Whether to Weather: Article by Stir On How To Protect Against Weathering

According to the Sherwin Williams website page here: https://www.sherwin-williams.com/architects-specif... you can never ensure that anything will survive mother nature forever. For example, wood—one of the most common building materials found on home exteriors—is incredibly vulnerable to the elements. While it is impossible to stop the weathering of wood, there are some things you can do to slow the process and practically eliminate accumulated damage.
Protection from the elements
STIR® offers protection against the elements The first step is to start with the right type of finish. STIR® by Sherwin Williams, is our go-to choice. There are two essential types of finishes, those that create a coating on the wood and those that penetrate wood and leave no layer. For example, paints and varnishes are great coating layers, while penetrating finishes make great water repellents. There are also preservatives, and pigmented semi-transparent stains. Let us help you discover which is the best choice for your home exterior. Sherwin Williams Paints provide the most protection against wood degradation and erosion. Paint blocks unwanted moisture, ultraviolet rays, and even seals wood. The best type of paint for wood is a acrylic latex house paint. Because they allow the wood to breathe and don’t enable water accumulation, wood paints last an unbelievably long time. The best paint to use for exterior work is latex, since it is is flexible, reliable, long-lasting and durable. In contrast, oil paints will not last as long due to them becoming flaky and brittle over time.
Varnishes are a very popular choice. Varnishes enrich the color and grain of wood, making them very visually appealing. The downside is the need for continued maintenance to preserve the quality of the varnish and the wood. If you love the look of a varnish, but don’t want the continual upkeep, we recommend only using varnishes on a wood exterior that is not in direct sunlight, such as northern facing walls or receded openings.
Penetrating finishes
Penetrating finishes are specifically designed to be absorbed by the wood. These finishes fill in surface pores and create an uniform layer. Most contain water repellents and wood preservatives that make them a strong and reliable protection for your wood exterior. You will not have to worry about mildew and fungus with these types of finishes. Penetrating finishes even discourage insect infestations, so you can be sure that there are no unwanted guests! The best application for penetrating finishes are already-weathered or very coarse woods that don’t take paint well, for example fences or roof shingles.
If you are looking for an experienced, trustworthy painting contractor in Southeastern MA, the Oliveira Painting Company will get the job done right .Once you’ve chosen your preferred wood finish, we guarantee our work will be completed in alignment with the painting manufacturer’s specifications as well as to meet or exceed the expectations of your discerning eye.
As a LEED Certified Painting Contractor in Massachusetts, we’ll come to you to take on any job you require, with the efficiency and accuracy you deserve. Click here to see our service area for residential or commercial painting in MA.
For more information, call 508-933-9731, or email joliveirapaint@gmail.com to request a custom quote now.